Monday, October 20, 2008

Death in Them Thar Hills

I love a good mystery, and Kurt would probably tell you that I always get it right because at some point in the process I guess every person in the story. When we used to watch Law and Order I would have at least 15 theories on who did it and why. Kurt would usually say (with love in his heart, of course) “would you just shut up and watch the show.”

Well, this weekend, we got to put our sleuthing skills and our really bad acting skills to good use. Our Sunday School class had a murder mystery party. It was set in the Wild West and was titled “Death in them Thar Hills.” The picture is of all of our friends who played a role and were murder suspects. None of us knew who was guilty so we all got to investigate the murder as well. I should be honest. At one point, I was truly beginning to think I may have been the killer. And. . . I would love to tell you who was, but we are going to be doing this for another group at church and we have been sworn to secrecy.

So I will leave you with these questions. Who would have wanted to kill Dusty Jones and why? How did they kill him? Did I kill him? (now would be a good time to imagine some diabolical music in the background) What a great time! If you are looking for something fun to do with a group I highly recommend a visit to

Hope this finds you doing well!

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